Back to Base Chakra Workshops
During this workshop series we will share practices and ancient wisdom designed to bring our base ‘root’ or ‘foundation’ Chakra Mooladhara into greater harmony, stability and balance.
The three back to base workshops have been created with an intention to help us collectively restore, recover and heal aspects of our powerful base energy centre Mooladhara, which when misaligned may impact upon our sense of self confidence, security, stability, connection and inner (spiritual/physical) strength.
You may have been affected in some way by recent world events (such as COVID-19), or have lingering feelings of financial insecurity, lack of energy, drive or direction and it is for these reasons we will share tools to assist with the alignment at Mooladhara, which may help you to move forwards with a greater sense of balance, peace and harmony.
It is not essential for you to attend all workshops in this series however, if you are unable to attend on your booked date, it may be possible to transfer your ticket to another session. Please do note that each workshop will have a different focus and experience.
When our base Chakra’s energy is balanced:
● There is an abundance of energy and vitality within the physical body
● We experience sense of wellbeing and of being grounded
● Greater strength and stability
● Feelings of confidence and of being supported in life
We also make healthier life choices, care for ourselves and our environment and feel an added sense of strength and security throughout the changes in our life’s circumstances.
The gentle yoga presented at each workshop requires no previous experience and involves easy to do movements, gentle stretching, breathing practices, meditation, mindfulness and relaxation.