Why workshops like the Yoga Lunchbox were created?
I wanted to share a little about why I create workshops like the Yoga Lunchbox and what sits behind their intention.
Injuring my spine twice in my early 20’s, I had the choice of surgery or yoga. I chose yoga, the rest is history.
A flight attendant at the time, my overnight bag was filled with yoga props and a few personal items. It felt difficult taking class experience into my daily life while keeping that sense of harmony wherever I went, especially being 40,000 ft above the earth more than my feet were on the ground.
I found for me it was a repetition of a sequence, mantra or posture in my mind that connected me. In times of stress, it was like flicking a switch in my brain to recall an inner quiet and something within me would shift. To a degree I learnt to control the fight/flight response bringing myself into a peaceful breath, simply by redirecting my thoughts towards my practice.
These years lead me to a lifetime of learning, shifting, growing, healing and lessons in mind/body connection have given me the tools I now share as a teacher.
Formally trained since 2009, I hold diplomas in both yoga and meditation. While studying, I was the emergency response manager for an airline and here, I fine-tuned my awareness of mind, breath, and intention to create world class outcomes that I feel incredibly proud of.
Drawing upon yoga and mindfulness resources, I learnt that no matter what happens externally, it was how I managed the internal that kept me grounded. It can feel difficult bringing ancient practices into our modern fast paced, time poor, competitive, high achieving workplace, but I am confident that what I teach now will help you achieve this.
When you come from a space of inner confidence and unshakable strength, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. In this, I am sure.
Now… I’m living my dream, teaching, and balancing work/life. I don’t always get the formula right and stress finds its way in, but I know how to gently bring myself back to a place of internal serenity and calm. It’s easier than you think!
I look forward to sharing some key practices that have guided me through my high flying 20’s, corporate 30’s & 40’s and on to a stable, healthy mid 50’s and some mindful, yoga and meditation gems which have kept me smiling along the way.